by Yahìa Lababidi
To all those I dearly love,
but for the sake of my sanity
must avoid or cannot afford
to see in person, or even speak to:
Yes, I did, I googled you.
Amid the shipwreck on the world wide waters
I found precious little flotsam bearing your name
a blurry picture here, some garbled voice there
still it was enough for me to summon you
create a history and sense of belonging
Of you, there is always far too much afloat
your smiling face like a cardboard cutout
that everybody poses with at the fair
yet occasionally there will be a rare find
and I'll feel we spent an intimate afternoon
You, I check in with periodically,
your news and views surface in installments
that I rearrange to better remember
not how you are now but as I knew you then
when we laughed hard and you were my heart's friend
All of you I miss as I trace your outlines
through the one-way mirror of my monitor
and when I shut down, you remain with me
as pulsing presence and urmurs in my blood
(thanks to that intravenous internet injection).
. . . . . . . . . . . .
Yahìa Lababidi, a Lebanese-Egyptian, came to the U.S. to attend George Washington University. After graduation he returned to Egypt and worked as an editor/speechwriter for the United Nations. After nearly ten years, he returned to the U.S. and now lives in Silver Spring.
About the decision to leave his native country, he says, "I needed to change my life before it changed me. . . I needed to get out, try something entirely different, and challenge myself with new ways of being."

Excerpt from the Takoma Voice (Vox Poetica section, February 2011 issue, pg. 35)
Sigh. I know someone in Florida who might appreciate this.
Hello, Holly
I'm pleasantly surprised to stumble across this and just wanted to say Thank You!
I hope the rest of my work also speaks to you.
Cheers, Yahia
Hello, a friend forwarded me this link yesterday. I immediately went in search of the poet's other work -- he is wonderful! -- Amy McLaughlin
Yahia, it's an honor that you found and commented on my repost of your poem. I love your work, so happy to have discovered you.
Thank you, Amy and Holly. Just popping in to let you know that I've a new poetry book, you can find here:
Wishing you Beauty, all ways, Yahia
PS - Also, if you'd like to, you may follow me on Twitter @YahiaLababidi
Yahia, thank you for letting us know about your new book, I'm in the process of ordering it now. Can't wait to read your work, I'm a huge fan! <3
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