
Saturday, May 18, 2019

We have our outlook on getting older 100% wrong. It's actually pretty awesome.

"Hey man, I just turned 50 and I hope you don't mind if I throw out a bit of a secret. It turns out that we have our outlook on getting older 100% wrong. It's actually pretty awesome. Not that being in your mid 20s is a bad thing, but I wouldn't go back to it if you paid me. You have no idea how much better things can get.

"I'm for sure not as pretty as I used to be, but I have seen so much more and done so much between then and now. I know who I am, and I know that we never stop changing and growing. And that is powerful.

"Remember when you were a kid, and you would skin your knee playing and would go around showing off the scab with a weird sort of pride? That's what getting older is really like. You wont be the fresh young hero forever, but becoming the grey-beard is pretty sweet.

"Look at the picture. Do they look sad? They know something."

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